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Giving Back - Queer Resource Center

Queer Resource Center

Giving Back


Item Donations

What you can donate:

  • Clothing, shoes, accessories, bags
  • NEW sealed socks and underwear
  • NEW sealed hygiene products (travel size) and menstrual products
  • Class supplies
  • Queer media (books, films, games)

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many ways to volunteer with the Queer Resource Center. We can always use a hand when it comes to event planning and facilitating and bringing new events and trainings to Butte College! We will be keeping track of hours and handing out volenteer certificates at the end of the year! 


We need people to help out with the following:

Faculty and Staff: How to Donate to QRC

 Payroll Deduction Form

Payroll Deduction

The Queer Resource Center is so gracious for faculty and staff that donate monthly to our Foundations Account. If you are able to donate you can fill out the Payroll Deduction form.

Queer Resource Center

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

SSF 101
3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville, CA 95965


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