


The District-paid vision benefit covers all regular full-time BCPOA, Classified, Academic, and MSC employees, members of the governing board, and eligible family members (IRS dependent children to age 26).

Part time Classified employees may purchase vision at a pro-rated premium.  Eligibility is the first day of the month following the employee's date of hire. Upon retirement from the district, a retiree may self-pay to continue coverage under the district's policy providing there is no break in coverage.

Contact Human Resources immediately to report any change in dependent status. A new child must be added within 31 days of birth.  A spouse or registered domestic partner must be added within 31 days of marriage or the issuance of a Declaration of Domestic Partnership by the State of California, or a similar declaration issued by another state. Dependents will be removed from benefits at the age of 26. Spouse or registered domestic parter must be removed within 31 days of termination of marriage or registered domestic partnership.

VSP Vision-Plan 4

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Select a provider. Select a participating vision care provider by visiting Obtaining services from a Participating Provider will maximize your benefits.
  2. Make an appointment. Make an appointment with the Participating Provider of your choice and inform them of your vision coverage.
  3. You're done! Your doctor will take care of the rest. The Participating Provider will contact VSP to verify your eligible benefits and submit a claim for payment for services covered by your plan.
  4. If covered services are received from a non-participating provider, you are responsible for paying the provider in full. You or the provider must submit the itemized bill and a copy of your prescription with the Claim Form to VSP Vision. Reimbursement will be made to the insured person up to the schedule of allowances shown for non-participating providers.
  5. The Policy provides full coverage for Covered Services when you go to a Participating Provider of the VSP Vision network.

If you have any questions about your vision benefits, please contact:

VSP Vision Care
PO Box 997105
Sacramento, CA 95899-7105
Customer Service and Claims: (800) 877-7195

Content Editor:

Kathy Turner
(530) 879-4047